Man and Woman Standing Beside White Car Having A Discussion
Man and Woman Standing Beside White Car Having A Discussion

How To Get Your Girlfriend Back

You have to be cool. Do not beg the girl to take you back

In order to get your girlfriend back she must know that you are in a position of power and are worthy for her. Women do not want needy men but with that said they want men that need them. There is a big difference between needy men and men who need their women. Behind every great man there is a woman as his support structure. This is a man that needs a woman. Now on the other hand you have the type of guy with no where else to go who is desperate and really needs this girl because he has no where else to go, this is a needy guy. In other words you can have a man that does not have no food to eat and will take anything, he is needy. Then you can have a guy who has all the food he can eat but wants that special cut of steak from a particular restaurant, this guy has a need. Women respond to guys with needs and do not respond to needy guys. If your woman knows that she is special, that she is the one that you choose than she will be very happy that she feels needed.

Man Holding Baby's-breath Flower in Front of Woman Standing Near Marble Wall
Man Holding Baby’s-breath Flower in Front of Woman Standing Near Marble Wall

A Couple Of Rules

  • Never tell her it’s over
  • You the push pull method
  • Let her know you have options
  • Do NOT Call her every day
  • Let her know that she is still your girl
  • Be persistent yet distant
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A lot of people have attacked my rules and that is their opinion. You have to understand that what I am telling you has worked for me time and time again. If it is a bit too hardcore for you than there are other approaches that work equally well. You have to push her away, then pull her back in like a swing. Let her know you have other women, but want her. She will eventually come back to you if you still want her.

A couple of the things I am telling you may confuse you. A lot of dating gurus will tell you to just forget about the chick and move on to some new ones

They are correct in a way. You have to cater your game to each specific woman. If you have a woman who is basically dedicated to you, then you can’t just turn around and leave. You have to let her know that you still have ownership and control of her. She will love you even more for that. On the other hand if you have a slutty party type chick that shows she does not really care about you, then by all means, let her know that you are going out to the bar to go and sleep with new women. Remember every situation is different.

When a chick is really into you and you don’t call that is good but if you do call her everyday you are basically messing the next guy up because she is thinking about you even more

I have had women tell me they could not focus on the new dates because I was calling them so much and just wanted me back. Women also have told me that they came back to me because the new guys were not better than me. Women will tell you that all men are the same, basically we are, except some of us are a little better than the others and that why the girl will always come back to the guy who is a little better.

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Guy, I have been there and know what it is like. Only suckers agree to be friends with their girlfriend. Let this woman know that she is your woman. Make no exception to this rule. Once you let this girl know that she is free, she will feel much more comfortable in sleeping with other men. She is probably sleeping with other men now but if you agree with her when she dumps you that you are not her man than you just gave her a license to have sex with other guys.

woman standing beside black steel road bollard during daytime

Let your ex girlfriend know you can get a chick anytime but want her and only her

Let her know that she is the one and only. Once this is communicated effectively, she will send the new guy home to his mama. Your ex girlfriend must know that you will not give up on her. Keep her on her toes as to whether or not you have been sleeping with other women while you were not together. Never admit to sleeping with other women unless you are caught red handed, then revert to letting her know she is the only special one. Like it or not your ex girlfriend will come back to you if the relationship was the real deal. It is up to you to help speed things up and make sure she stays away from some smooth players that will use and discard her buy which time she will be so turned and that she will be now where is site. Go get your girl man.

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I would like to add that the key to how you get your ex girlfriend back is Timing

The right moves at the right time will insure you get your ex girlfriend back. If you mess up you will go from having a girlfriend to becoming the ex boyfriend. Do not follow all the so called you tube get girlfriend guides that tell you to agree with the break up and start flirting with you girlfriend or should I say ex girlfriend. Some of these gurus will tell you that you can let her break up with you than convince your girlfriend or ex girlfriend to get back with you. The secret here is that while it may work it can only work if in her mind she never really broke up with you and is head over heals in love with you. Guy, do yourself a favor and follow my instructions on getting your ex girlfriend back and you will be a happy man.

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